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1 Samuel 28:1-19, John 8:12, 1 John 1:5-7, Romans 1:18-32, 2 Corinthians 11:14-15, Ephesians 5:8-13.

Fascination with darkness

The world’s fascination with darkness should not be surprising to you my children. They have rejected me, I am the light and when you reject light there is only one other direction for them and that is into darkness. It may seem like a game to you now but when reality hits and it will hit soon enough no one will be laughing. Many play games with darkness thinking it harmless. Children Satan and his devices are not harmless, believe me when he plays, he plays for keeps and this is not a game to him, he understands full well the finality of his judgment and the finality of death. Whereas many think death is a step into non-existence Satan knows full well that if you die in your sins you will be confined to hell for all eternity. He knows hell is his eternal home and he now seeks companions to share it with. He will do anything including appearing to you as an angel of light in order to deceive you and lead you down to hell. Stop playing games with darkness you are not strong enough to resist it under your own power. Look at the world they are running after everything that represents darkness because they live in sin and are intoxicated by its fruit. They are like drug addicts under the influence of a powerful drug, like drunkards swaying from side to side unaware of where they are going and where they will end up. They are fascinated by psychics and mediums; they think it is fashionable to seek after these merchants of darkness. Do you not remember how I utterly rejected Saul after he sought the witch of En Dor. Hollywood has gone full out into promoting every dark thing they have been exposed to. The movies they produce nowadays show how reprobate they have become and I am not talking about pornography, violence and coarse jesting. No, I am talking about how vigorously they promote the merchandise of darkness. They are fascinated with witches, vampires, demons, zombies, demon possessions, witchcraft, astral projection among others. They constantly produce these nightmarish movies and worst of all the public love them for it; the darker the better and worst still people think it is completely harmless. I tell you children nothing that originates from Satan’s kingdom is harmless. Everything is carefully planned, carefully manipulated, carefully introduced to the public. The beginnings of it are subtle but soon after desensitizing the public to the harm evil causes they introduce more and more dark materials. Soon darkness becomes the norm in fact there are times when people get so used to darkness they forget what it felt like to live and walk in the light. There was a time mediums and witches were not even mentioned in public now they are celebrities who are highly esteemed and sought after on T.V., by the elite and the masses. It is now a cool thing to seek after a medium even though my word clearly states that a medium is a merchant of death who should not be sought after. Darkness indeed has been made appetizing to the masses and now they hunger and thirst for evil instead of hungering and thirsting for righteousness. Hollywood now produces more horror movies than action films because the desensitized public is obsessed with all things dark, the darker the better. This is not coincidence you are being prepared for the coming Great Tribulation when demons will be roaming among you freely like they did in the days of Noah. Beware darkness is about to encircle you and those creatures that were confined to your imagination, nightmares and on screen are about to manifest to your physical eyes. You have been warned seek light; seek me, Jesus, that you may be saved from the coming great darkness.

