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Genesis 1:26-27, Psalm 51:5, Isaiah 14:12-15, Zechariah 4:6, Matthew 25:41, John 10:10, Revelation 20:1-3, Revelation 20:10.

Satan is your enemy!

My children you are flesh, you were born into a world of sin and to sin is something your flesh craves constantly. I came to give you life abundantly a life not ruled by sin but shaped by the Holy Spirit. The flesh is corrupt, loud, unseemly, evil, wicked, selfish. It is naturally pulled towards the things hidden in the blackness of darkness but I have placed my Spirit inside of you and His job is to draw you into my light, to strengthen you to overcome sin. Children you cannot overcome sin unless you are submitted wholly to my Spirit. In your own strength you cannot overcome temptation, it is not by might, not by power, it is by my Spirit that you overcome the darkness. Look at the world today men are driven to satisfy every desire of the flesh to the point where they have crossed over into depravity, abominations and all forms of iniquity. This does not just occur in the world but also in the church. Children stop playing games with your soul, Satan is only too happy to draw you further into sin. By giving in to your flesh you are giving him the green light to pull you deeper into sin. He will send temptation after temptation your way in an attempt to pull you deeper and deeper into sin and if you give him an inch he will return with reinforcements to make sure that next time you will give in even more. This is not a game children this is your soul that you are playing with when you constantly stray into the devil’s territory. He is not playing a game, he is playing for keeps and his intention is to lead you straight into hell for all eternity. He is vindictive and supremely evil. He knows he will never again reside in heaven. He had his time there and because iniquity was found in him he was thrown out of heaven, out of his position of honor never to return. He knows his fate, he knows he is to be chained and thrown into the abyss. He knows he will spend eternity boiling in a river of fire. He knows there is no redemption for him no matter what he does. In rage, a furious anger, he has decided that the only thing he can do is take revenge on me by sending as many as he can into the same hell to which he is headed. He knows it hurts me deeply to see men whom I created lost to me forever because their sins led them straight to hell. Yes indeed my heart bleeds every time someone falls into hell lost to me forever. You are my creation, made in my image and likeness and I love you like a Father loves his children. To watch that which I created in love, sustained in love and I died for in love lost to me forever bound in hell because of their sin, my heart breaks. Satan’s revenge is precise and it hurts. Children watch your steps, understand the direction your life is headed and turn away from wickedness that your life here on earth may not be wasted and that you may not perish in hell separated from my goodness for all eternity. I love you, come, I died for you, I went to hell for you and disarmed Satan for you. Do not end up in hell it was never created for you but for Satan, his angels and demons.


