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Psalm 37:1-2, Proverbs 24:19-20, Romans 8:1-11, Galatians 5:16-26.

The flesh

Hard work pays off children. Do not be afraid to work hard, I bless those who give their all in my service and even in your daily jobs. I do not bless the wicked in their wicked ways. Yes, they do seem to prosper but it is only for a season. Soon judgment will sweep them away and they will wither like the grass in the fields during a drought. Keep your eyes on me bride, follow me, meditate on my word and do not be concerned or envy the prosperity of the wicked. Their prosperity is confined to this world for a short season. You on the other hand my children will continue to prosper in my heavenly kingdom. Do not let your heart be attached to the things of this world, instead keep your gaze on me and your mind on the things of heaven above. What is in heaven is everlasting; it does not fade, grow old or lose value. Yes, I know that some of you are living in a state of lack, insufficiency and even fear but I say fear not. What you lack in this world cannot even begin to compare to what my Father has in store for you in His house. Children my mercy and grace is what is holding this fragile world together. Without my intervention man through the influence of Satan would utterly destroy himself and all that I have created for his enjoyment. My children be sure of your destiny. Is it with me or are you so blindly following the desires of your flesh? The flesh belongs to a burning oven, it is a cancer that must be burned out or seared out of you with a hot iron. Unfortunately as long as you still live in your body of sin you must contemplate with your flesh. Remember my child the flesh is unruly full of evil poison driven by dark desires unwilling to be bridled, unwilling to submit to my Holy Spirit. It is the responsibility of each and every Christian to have control over their flesh. The flesh is wanton, like a prostitute it desires multiple avenues to satisfy itself and yet it wants more and more. It thirsts for evil, drawn to the darkness of the underworld yearning to return from whence it came. Yes the flesh is its own mistress doing as she pleases resisting control. Do not let it rule over you. You have my Holy Spirit He is in you to enable you to overcome this unruly beast that resides inside of you. Remember the two are mortal enemies constantly at war with one another. You cannot overcome the flesh in your own power; even with my commandments Israel could not overcome it without my help. For this reason my pure blood was shed to overcome the sin that your flesh craves and submits to. My work was finished at Calvary but I could not leave you as orphans therefore I sent one who is strong who is a shield, the Holy Spirit, to help you overcome, to remind you that I overcame for you and you can do likewise in me. This fight this battle is not a lost cause. If I thought it was impossible for you to overcome my Father would not have sent me and I would not have sent the Holy Spirit. Submit your members to Him let His fire burn out the dross in you that you may overcome that which is close to you, your mortal enemy who is ever alert like a cobra waiting to strike. Remember the flesh has an insatiable appetite; do not give it an inch because it will take a mile. I love you my children you are not alone I am with you always.

Jesus, Amen.

