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Matthew 7:21-23, Mark 4:22, Luke 12:2-3, Romans 6:12-14, Romans 8:1-17, Galatians 5:16, 1 Peter 1:16.

The Spirit and the flesh: Mortal enemies

Children do you not understand that not all who call themselves mine will make it into my house? Those who are carnal will not make it into my kingdom. It is past time to be rid of all carnality and be led by my Holy Spirit. I know the flesh feels good, it is supposed to feel good, it is a bitter sweet poison, sweet to the mouth yet bitter to the belly and many do drink this portion. Children if you seek the things of the Spirit with all your heart you will learn to stay and walk in the Spirit, your identity is greatly affected by the ones you associate with. If you remain in the Spirit you will begin to be more like me, for the Spirit reveals who I am to you and you begin to think like me and to desire the things that I desire. The Holy Spirit came to the earth to glorify me and to be a comforter to you. The reason why many are carnal is because they insist on walking according to the desires of the flesh. My children it is possible to walk in the Spirit and shun the desires of the flesh but it is a choice that you have to make out of your own free will. It is possible to be holy even as I am holy at any age in life. Holiness is not only for the elderly who have had their share of living according to the dictates of the flesh. I call all to holiness, children, teenagers, young adults, the middle aged and those in their old age. It is achievable to all and yet it is missed by a majority of people in each age group. I desire holiness, you can achieve holiness. The desires of the flesh have led many to the place of deep darkness. My children, you were created to live and dwell in the light, darkness is a foreigner to you for you were created in light, by light and for light. However if you desire the things of the flesh more than the things of the Spirit then you will be comfortable in the dark. Notice how much evil originates and is carried out in the dark. The elite meet in the dark; their schemes and plans are from deep darkness and are carried out covertly. These traitors of the human race have usurped the very authority I gave man by pledging allegiance to the prince of darkness himself, Satan. They have carried out his ominous plans under cover of darkness and with much wickedness for a very long time. I say no more, for I have already began exposing their wicked ways and I will reveal all even as the time of the end of this age draws to a resounding close. All their plans, all they have concocted in their hidden backrooms and underground caverns will be revealed not only to my children but to the whole world. Pay attention, even right now my children I am exposing these sinister shadows in many ways but especially in the news. Their demented twisted ways are being revealed to the whole world. This is where the sifting begins, this is where the allegiance of peoples and nations is revealed, for make no mistake about it when the mark is implemented it will be with the knowledge that I have revealed, for my desire is that all must make the choice for or against the mark with full knowledge of what it is and its consequences. I will have a witness against all who take the mark for this is something that has been revealed to many for many years but the world chooses to laugh about it in scorn, well, they will never be able to say that they were not warned. Listen to my words children and keep yourselves pure.

Jesus, Amen.

