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Deuteronomy 31:6, Psalm 89:14, Isaiah 57:15, Habakkuk 2:4, Zechariah 4:6, Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11, Hebrews 10:38.

The wave of faith

I am He who sits in the high and holy place. I am He who resides with the humble. I am He who sits on the seat of righteousness. I am here always, available to you. Doubt me not, the time of fear, doubt and unbelief has passed. No more shall you dwell in the shadows, hiding from the enemy of your soul. I am here, I never left and I will never abandon you. Ask my Spirit to help you to overcome your fears and weaknesses for it is not by your might nor by your power that you overcome but by my Holy Spirit. Too many of my children have forgotten Him and His role in their lives because many of them live by sight and not by faith. Ride the wave of faith and do not step out of it. Like a fish that cannot survive for long outside of water you will not be able to overcome the things that are about to erupt upon the earth without staying in faith at all times. Without faith you will perish. It is time for my children to live the life of faith literally and not just with their mouth. You must learn to depend totally on me or you will be deceived and you will perish. I am here for you, cling to me, abide in me, outside of me there is only death. I love you now and always.


