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Psalm 37:1-2, Hosea 8:7, John 13:34-35, Galatians 6:1-10, 2 Timothy 4:6-7, 1 Peter 5:7, Revelation 19:11-13, Isaiah 63:1-6.

Bear each other’s burdens

My bride, rejoice, I am returning for you. I will not tarry forever, your time of great victory approaches with each passing day. Instead of sinking into despair think of how close I am to returning for you. Finish your final lap; each and every one of you must finish the final lap of the race. Yes it has been a long race and you are exhausted. As you come around the final bend in the road, look up see me standing at the finish line. Wipe the frown off your face feel the adrenaline rush through your body and pick up your feet you are about to be done with this race and a bountiful reward awaits you at the end of your race. Help those who are fainting by the sidelines, give them a hand; encourage them to finish the race. Do not leave them behind you are brothers after all. Stretch out your hand and lend a hand, cross the finish line together hand in hand. My children you are all facing problems maybe not the same problems but problems nonetheless and each and every one of you needs encouragement from each other. Pray for each other; carry each other’s burdens especially in prayer. I see the hard trials you are going through and I am here to help you. Trust my hand of help. It may not be exactly how you want it when you want it but I am always on time. When you reach the end of your rope you will find my hand outstretched to you. You will not be ignored no, I am here waiting for you to let go of your greed, prejudices, pride, selfishness, wickedness. I am here guiding your steps as I clean off the dross from your soul. You my child are not alone, all are facing challenges the question is will you trust me with yours? I am here waiting for you to lower your burdens off your shoulders and place them at the foot of my cross and leave them there. Then get up, go to your brother who is carrying an even bigger burden than you had and help them find their way to the foot of my cross. Help them unload their burdens off their shoulders and place them at the foot of my cross. The burdens my children bear are great and you need each other children. You need accountability partners, prayer partners, praise and worship partners. As you come together to pray you become a powerful force against the enemy Satan and his schemes. Remember children as you share in each others burdens especially in prayer you show my love to each other and by this shall you be known as children of the most high God. Therefore go forth sound the alarm. Where are the bearers of the ark? The ones who lead in reverence. Where are the trumpeters? The men who lead in praise and the psalmists who lead in worship. Sound the alarm, let the people rejoice in the streets for here comes one who does not ride on a donkey but on a pure white horse. He does not bear the white flag of defeat but instead he bears the red flag for he comes to conquer victoriously and he will trample his enemies underfoot and his white robe will turn purple with the blood of his enemies. He will trample them like one tramples grapes underfoot to make wine and none not even one will escape the wrath of my Father. Therefore do not despair when you see the wicked prosper; the time is coming when they must give an account of all they have done. I assure you those who die in their sin will reap a whirlwind of judgment. Be patient my children remember me always.

Jesus, Amen.

