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Genesis 26:1-14, 1 Samuel 15:22-23, Isaiah 1:19, Jeremiah 7:23, Luke 6:46-49, Luke 11:28, Romans 6:16, James 1:22-24.

Blessings of obedience

Children some of the trouble you experience comes from your disobedience. When you ignore my voice and my signs you are setting yourself up for failure. You live in a real world with real problems, real expenses, real bills. These are situations that you must deal with as long as you reside on this earth. You cannot bury your head in the sand and hope that they will go away. No, you must confront and deal with them. Yes, I am here to help but remember if you want a job you must go out and look for one, do not sit on your hands and expect it to come to you. Yes there are occasions when my blessings walk up to you right in front of your face but other blessings are in the field and you must go out there and get them. If you need water you must go to the river and fetch it, the river will not change its course and come to you therefore listen to me as I instruct you on what to do when you are in need. I do not ask you to do complicated things, most of my requests are very simple but some of my children are so lazy that if I personally placed a million dollars in the mailbox outside their house and told them to go and get it they would not trouble themselves. They either will not get up and go and get it or in their laziness they will wait for a few days or until they are in dire need. Children many have missed instantaneous blessings of obedience because they were too lazy to move when I asked them to. They decided that they could wait and do what I told them to do later. Children there are blessings that are specifically released when you instantly obey my commands to you; they are never released any other time. These are the blessings of obedience and in this case I mean immediate obedience to my voice. If you know that it is I who is instructing you it is imperative that you follow through on my instructions immediately. Stop dillydallying and get into action and do what I have told you to do immediately. I repeat, there are blessings that are specifically set aside and released only when you obey my command to you immediately. You do not have to fully understand my instructions as long as it is I who is directing you, my way will become fully manifested to you as you walk down the path of obedience. Pay close attention to this message for many of you are facing difficult situations that you could have avoided had you obeyed my command immediately. Stop procrastinating, some of you are chronic procrastinators and the end of it is frustration and desperation. Determine in your mind from now on to walk in immediate obedience to my commands. You will begin to notice how fast things fall into place and how much favor is upon you as you obey my voice immediately. If I took as long to answer you as you take to obey me none of my plans for you would come to fruition. Therefore my child discipline yourself to act immediately upon my word. Discipline yourself to make me and what matters to me a priority in your life. Start praying and reading the Bible more often. Learn to deny your flesh its sinful desires and ask for wisdom. You need wisdom to walk the path I have chosen for you. Start small, do not stress yourself out, start with the simple things and as you mature and walk in obedience you will begin to overcome the more complex things. For example start by getting to church on time, honor me and my house just like you honor your boss by getting to work on time. If I am important to you then honor me and what I stand for. Just set your clock a little earlier and begin to discipline yourself to get to church on time. The bigger challenges like gossip you will deal with soon but you must start somewhere. Start simple I will help you, just listen and obey immediately.


