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Psalm 133:1, Proverbs 6:16-19, Matthew 5:14-16, Matthew 18:15-17, John 15:5, 2 Corinthians 5:20, Galatians 5:22, Ephesians 4:29, James 1:26, Titus 3:9-11.


My children be quick to end dissensions among yourselves, humble yourselves before each other and before me. Be quick to apologize when you are at fault. Do not be the one who starts dissensions among the brethren. Avoid gossip at all cost. Be quick to defend one another instead of throwing stones and darts at each other. Yes acknowledge one another’s weaknesses and help each other to change. Be patient as your brother goes through the process of changing, trying to be a better person. Remember you yourself are not perfect. You may have a weakness in a place where your brother is strong and your brother may be weak where you are strong. Be quick to cover your brother with encouragement and kindness instead of throwing rocks at him. The goal is to identify and resolve problems quickly and make peace. Making peace does not necessarily mean agreeing to see eye to eye. You will never agree on everything with everyone. Making peace is acknowledging each others opinion and moving on without bitterness or resentment in your heart. Acknowledging someone else’s opinion does not necessarily mean accepting their choice as true and right without proof or agreeing with their stance. It simply means you have come to a stalemate and neither party is willing to change therefore you move on without breaking the bond of Christian brotherhood. Pray for each other, if you know your stance is in line with my word then pray for your deceived brother. In time the truth will be revealed to him if and when he chooses to seek it. Leave and let go let me bring the revelation necessary in this situation. I repeat once more do not stir up mess amongst yourselves my children. Do not behave as the world behaves choose to follow my example of courtesy, grace, mercy and holiness. I am the vine you are the branches you have the ability in you to be more and more like me each and everyday. You have my Holy Spirit residing in you He will bring the change necessary in your life and you will begin to bear His fruit as evidence of that change. My children use wisdom, everything that comes into your mind does not need to be broadcast through your mouth. Some things are best left unsaid especially since most of what you think of others is mainly conceived out of prejudice or heresy. Do not be a carrier of gossip, put it to death do not let it spread further than you, the buck stops with you. It does not or should not start with you but it should end with you. I am looking forward to seeing change in you. Be an example of grace and embrace the change that the Holy Spirit brings inside of you, this change will bring maturity and healing to your soul. Accept your shortcomings and welcome the change, embrace it willingly and walk through it to the end. There will be and should be no quitting in this walk, walk it out to the end and bear the fruit of the Spirit abundantly. Remember you are my ambassadors, representations of me. I am not a gossip, liar, messy, petty, proud, selfish or arrogant. I am all that is good, learn my character, it encompasses all of the fruit of the Holy Spirit. You are my children, my light bearers shine my light that all may see and be drawn to me. Your goal is to lead many to me, that is your mission, your assignment, the very reason you were created. Fulfill it. I am with you now and always.


