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Psalm 30:5 Psalm 30:11, Matthew 24:3-14, Mark 4:35-41, Luke 18:7-8, Acts 27:13-44, Galatians 6:1-5.

Stay in the boat!

Sit tight my children yes these are tough times but you must choose to either go through them with me or without me. There is no sitting on the wall anymore. Every one of my children is going through a hard time, no one is exempt, these are the end times, the earth is heaving, my body is going through birth pains that are increasing in intensity and number. Instead of giving up come together children, hold hands, pray together, carry each others burdens. You need each other now more than ever. Come pray for one another, do not isolate yourself from others all are going through hardships in one form or another, you are not alone in your suffering children. Therefore encourage each other; you are in the middle of a roaring storm. The waves are beating hard against the boat and if we are not careful the boat will capsize. Stay in the boat, do not panic and jump overboard and try to swim for the shore. You will not make it you are in the middle of the sea, it is pitch black and you are in the middle of a powerful storm. Yes you are wet to the bone from all the water but at least you are still in the boat. It does not matter if you are a strong swimmer you will not make it outside the boat, the water is churning furiously and the undertow is strong, believe me when I say you will not make it to shore. You will drown and die. Stay in the boat no matter what happens. Do not be afraid the boat will not capsize; it is built to withstand this kind of storm. Do not let fear enter into your heart, hold on to the promise I have given to all my children. I will never leave you nor forsake you. Yes I know it is pitch black you can barely see your hand in front of your face. I still ask you to trust me yes I have allowed you to go through this storm but all is under my control. I control the power and ferocity of the storm; I control its duration and the direction in which it is leading you. Trust me when the time comes I will send rescue your way. In the meantime stay anchored in me, do not listen to the panicked ones, do not follow those who are abandoning the boat. I have promised that you will not drown that the boat will not capsize; it will rock back and forth, to and fro, side to side. It will heave and ho but it will not capsize. Yes water will splash into the boat and make you cold and wet yet still the boat will not capsize. As per my command the storm may last only one night or it may last many nights, no matter I am still in command and none can take you out of my hand. In time you will see a light in the middle of the darkness. The light will grow bigger and brighter and as you draw nearer to it you will realize that it is a lighthouse. Sail towards the lighthouse; do not waver to the left or the right lest you be dashed to pieces upon the sharp rocks jutting out of the water in the darkness, unseen until you smash into them. Make straight for the lighthouse and sail into the safety of the quiet bay surrounding it. My children however dark and hard the trials you are going through your faith and trust must be in me. Hold on to my words of promise to each and every one of you. Yes even this pain will pass, this suffering will pass and come morning light joy will rush back into your soul like a flood. Remain faithful to me children who else will you run to? Who else is mighty to save except me your Lord and Savior Jesus? Stay in me trust me implicitly hold on no matter how chaotic things are in your life. Children in these times of great difficulty I am finding it hard to find trust upon the earth. My people are jumping ship and walking as the world does. Be forewarned my children I return quickly. Will I find trust upon the earth? Will I find faith upon the earth?


