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Numbers 23:19, 2 Chronicles 20:20, Proverbs 14:12, Nehemiah 8:10, Mark 11:22, John 1:1, 2 Corinthians 1:20, 2 Corinthians 12:9, Hebrews 11:1.

All God’s promises are yes and amen.

My love, come take a walk with me. Let us enjoy each others company as we take in the beauty that surrounds us in nature. There are times when all you need to clear your head is to be silent, come apart from others and take a walk. It is a time of deep reflection, a time to look at the situation you are currently facing in life with a calm mind. Think through all your options. Remember the best way to deal with a problem is to bring it to me first, pray and ask for wisdom and guidance. I am always ready to help you through all the difficulties you face. You must however be ready to obey my instructions to you. However well thought out your solution may be it may not be the right path for you to follow. Ask me and I will direct you through all the situations you face in life. As you walk, think about my word, meditate on it, remember what my word says I will do for you. My word does not lie, I do not lie, I am the word, I and my word are one. Come hear my voice, as your heart is calm before me you will hear me clearly. I will encourage and strengthen you. You never have to face anything alone. If you could just understand and believe this, life would be a lot easier for you because you know that I am not only aware of the situation you are facing but I am with you right in the midst of it. My promises to you are not empty promises, no they are real, they are true and to those who believe they are sweet tasting fruit that nourishes and satisfies. If you were starving and thirsty and hadn’t eaten for days would you ignore the food and water offered to you by another? Would you rather sit and starve to death or would you give thanks and eat and drink that your spirit may be refreshed? Well my promises are like sweet tasting fruit, those who eat them will never go hungry or thirsty. Therefore put down your pride, expel confusion and disbelief let trust abide in your soul not to trust of men but instead trust me to do exactly what I said I would do for you in my word. Let hope rise up in you and let faith increase in your heart as you hear and ponder the promises I have made plain in my word to you. Many fall by the wayside in despair desperation and frustrations because they do not trust me, they choose instead to believe only what they can see with the eyes, feel with their fingers, taste with their tongue and smell with their nose. Children faith works before anything manifests in the natural realm. Faith is born in the spirit but eventually it manifests in the natural realm. Let faith fill your heart, let my joy strengthen you, let my mercy and grace sustain you for my grace is indeed sufficient for you. I love you follow me only.

Jesus, Amen.

