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Psalm 23:4, Proverbs 4:7, Proverbs 22:15, Matthew 10:14, Matthew 24:23-24, John 8:31-32, Galatians 1:8-9.

Beware of deception

Children be on the alert. Remember what my word says that if anyone preaches to you a different gospel than the one in my true word do not believe him, do not even entertain such a one. Do your best to lead him or her to the way of truth and if they resist you then let them go. Shake the dust off your feet and depart from them. Pray for them perhaps they will allow my Spirit to lead them to the truth. I repeat, depart from them, do not entertain a deceptive spirit for it is easy to fall prey to its seductive ways. Keep yourself away, uncorrupted by deception. Children deception is a seductive spirit and without my Holy Spirit anyone including the very elect can be deceived. Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought no man is immune to the seduction of sin without the presence of my Holy spirit after all you are but flesh and as I have said before the spirit world supersedes and rules over the physical world. Beware Oh children for many deceptive spirits have been sent abroad to confuse even my very own children. Read my word; familiarize yourself with the truth so you can recognize a fake, deception when it is presented to you for how can a man identify deception if he is not first aware of the truth? The truth truly sets you free, it dispels confusion and doubt. Walk in the truth, in the light of my truth and you will not be deceived by the darkness of deception. Even one who is blind recognizes the truth if he has been made aware of it first how more so one who sees? Have I not opened your eyes to my ways? Have I not revealed many of your enemy’s traps? Have I not rescued you from the ones you have already fallen prey to? And what do I ask in return but that you learn from your mistakes and avoid the situations that lead you to sin. I do not ask for much but that you may listen, learn and obey. The lessons you learn in life are to help you increase in wisdom and to put that wisdom into practice the next time you are faced with the same issue or with a similar issue. One who does not acquire wisdom from his or her mistakes is one who refuses to learn by experience and to such a one a rod of correction is assigned. Children rebellion only increases difficulties in your life; pride destroys your ability to learn and to learn quickly. Such a one will eventually learn the right way but only after much failure and misery. If you are my child I will correct you because I love you but by the time you learn you will have had your fill of grief, sorrow and pain. All this because you decided to hold onto your pride instead of humbling yourself and learning from your mistakes. I am your Father and I will not raise foolish children in my house. You will either learn from your mistakes on your own under the direction of my Holy Spirit or I will like a shepherd come after you with a rod in my hand to get you back in line, the choice is entirely yours. I love you always and faithfully.


