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Psalm 138:2, Isaiah 55:11, Matthew 24:35, John 1:1, John 17:17, Ephesians 6:17, Hebrews 4:12, 2 Timothy 3:16-17.

The living word

Children do not ever think my word is irrelevant or outdated; my word is living, meaning it is applicable at all times either spiritually or physically. Nothing in my word is obsolete; all of it is relevant today. It does not matter how advanced society gets my word will always be applicable through all generations and beyond. For this reason I have said that my word will never pass away, it will always be applicable in this realm and in the next. It holds power and has authority in both the spiritual and physical realms. It supersedes all things, is above all things and is timeless and priceless. Therefore children when I lead you to my word whether it is while you are reading my Bible or my messages that I have given to my messengers it is indeed I that is leading you. Please note that however old it is it is not only directed towards you but it is relevant to you right now whether it was given 200 years ago or 2 days ago. My word that is directed to you is a now word to you irrespective of the day it was received or recorded. My word is alive it is always active, always producing fruit. It is sharper than a two edged sword and always ready to search your heart and pierce even into the marrow. It is a weapon of immense power. Through it nations have risen and by it nations have fallen. It is applicable to all people of every nationality, every gender, every race, every language, every religion. It is above all other words ever uttered and is the final authority on truth. It was given by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit recorded by human hands and it still resounds throughout the universe. It is creative and it can also destroy. By the word worlds were created and by the world this earth will be destroyed only to be replaced by a new earth. It gives life and can also bring death. No one is above it, whether you believe it or not it is absolute and by it you will be judged whether you acknowledge it or not. It occupies a position of highest authority above all that was created. No one is above it all are subject to it whether they want to be or not. It is always fresh, always true, always accurate. All the prophecies in it have been and will be fulfilled; no one part of it, not one miniscule part of it will fail. Though many have tried to corrupt my word by producing their own twisted doctrines the true copy is still available, it still stands and it still bears witness that it is the original. You may take it and twist it to suit your own needs but you can never duplicate its authority or authenticity. It will always carry power and authority and it will always be accurate. It has transcended time; it has survived every form of corruption that has been thrown at it through the centuries. It has survived every form of extinction, it does not burn up or fade away, it stands forever, alive forever. Those who set themselves to destroy it will themselves be destroyed. It pronounces both blessings and curses both increase and decrease. Therefore my children be careful with my word, it is indeed a weapon and if you are not careful you can use it to destroy yourself or your neighbor. Be mindful of my word, respect it and obey it always. These are my words.

Jesus, Amen.

