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Genesis 3:19, Matthew 7:21-27, Ephesians 5:27, Hebrews 9:27, James 4:14.

It is time to wake up!

Can you hear the sound of the drumbeats? The sounds reach a crescendo lulling some to sleep and awakening others. It seems the more I tell my cubs to be ready for my return the more indifferent they become. Some have literally shut out my voice because it is easier for them to live in sin when they do not hear my voice. My warnings are not meant to be a dull sound in the background, they are meant to awaken you, to energize you to get up and move. I am not repeating myself to put you to sleep. I am doing so to make you aware of the coming dangers of the Great Tribulation Period. Get wisdom and start not only listening but acting on my words. Take heed to my voice I am trying to prevent you from being left behind after the rapture. The world thinks all I want to do is take away their pleasure because I constantly talk about sin. My cubs on the other hand have selective hearing, they hear what makes them feel good and ignore the rest. Can you imagine what will run through your mind on the day I return for my bride and you find yourself left behind? You will sit there in tears knowing very well that you had an opportunity to escape the Great Tribulation Period but instead you chose to listen to your flesh instead of my voice. This will be a classic case of spilt milk. Children I am so serious when I say that I am not returning for a carnal church. I am returning for a pure bride. It does not matter if you are a pastor who has spent all your life in ministry if you are carnal you are not my bride regardless of position, gifts or time spent in ministry. There is no room for carnality in my Father’s house. You cannot preach a sermon on Sunday and even lead people to salvation and then go out and commit adultery and expect me to come back for you in the rapture. I will leave you behind because for all the works you do for me you insist on serving your flesh as well. I am not returning for flesh but for a pure virgin bride. Therefore consider your ways Oh cub and repent before the trumpet blows and the curtain falls on this period of grace. Determine in your heart to follow me with all your heart for a half hearted man cannot be my true follower; your wavering ways disqualifies you from being my bride. Examine yourselves children for I testify to you truthfully that I have very few who I call my bride. Most of my children are cubs and for this reason they will not partake of the rapture. It is time to repent in great tears and ashes and let me help you in your faith walk for I desire a great company of my bride at the wedding banquet. Time is not on your side Oh man your life is like a vapor of smoke, like the morning mist, a wisp of breath, here today gone by the time of the evening shadows. Regardless of how hard you try you will never find a portion that will make you immortal. You were created mortal that is your lot in life, it is an unchangeable law. As long as you still reside in your physical body you will one day either die or be raptured. You will not live forever on this earth especially in the state that it is in now. You live in a fallen world among the fallen ones, among men who fell from grace when Adam partook of the forbidden fruit. That edict I proclaimed in the Garden of Eden has not changed, it is indeed appointed to man to die once and then the judgment meaning you live once you die and after that is the judgment. Are there some cases where I have returned some from the dead? Yes, but eventually all will either die or be raptured. All the money in this world and in all the worlds will never buy you immortality. The order of things is that in this physical realm you are mortal but in the spiritual realm you are immortal whether you are in heaven or in hell. The question is where will you spend eternity when this world ends or you die?


