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2 Kings 7, Ezekiel 22:29-31, Matthew 5:4-16, John 15:18-20, John 20:29, Romans 1:16, 1 Corinthians 2:9-16, 1 Corinthians 15:51-52.

Left behind

I am searching for soul winners. Who will go out and tell the unsaved about me? Who is willing to be ridiculed and spat on? Who is willing to be unpopular, polarized? Is there anyone out there who is not ashamed of me and my gospel? Who will stand up for me when I am being blasphemed in and out of my own house? Who is willing to live holy? Who is willing to let go of their pride for the sake of my gospel? I am moving to and fro, my eyes are searching far and wide looking for one who is faithful, one who I can trust with my giftings. Alas I see very few who are willing to give up all for the sake of my gospel. Are you one of them or are you the one who is hiding the fact that you are saved? How many people in your office or in your neighborhood are aware that you are a Christian? Have you invited your neighbors to church? Better still do you even know your neighbors? Children this is not the time to hide your lamp under a table. This is the time to let my light shine through you, do not snuff out my light. However wicked the world gets believe me they need my gospel. They need to know that there is a place of refuge from this wicked world. Do not be ashamed of me or my gospel. Share my word with whoever will listen. We are crunched for time; we are counting down the last seconds before the rapture. Yes I hear the snickers and insults of those who do not believe in the rapture. In your hardness of heart you will not partake of it, you will see it with your eyes but you will be left behind. Remember I sent Prophet Elisha to Israel to tell them of my coming deliverance and an officer of the king snickered and did not believe. He saw my salvation but he never partook of it in fact he died as he watched others gladly receive my blessings (2 Kings 7). You will experience the same thing. You will hear the trumpet, you will see me descend upon the clouds, you will see my bride changed in the twinkling of an eye and you will see them rise up to meet me in the clouds, you will see us depart for heaven and you will be left standing firmly on the ground left behind. What will you say then? The ones you made fun of made it and you remained behind. The shock that will wash over you will be unlike anything you have ever experienced. You will remember clearly when my bride witnessed to you and told you about the rapture and how you snickered in disbelief and embarrassed and humiliated them because they chose to believe me and my word. I understand that the rapture has never happened before but neither did the flood in Noah’s day or the parting of the Red Sea or the virgin birth yet all these events took place, even scientists the ones who are truly searching for truth can verify these events. You have no excuse, simply because something has never happened before does not mean it will never happen. Go back to your thinking chair, read my word, study the one time events that took place in it and then see if your argument holds any water. Blessed is he who believes yet has not seen for truly my word says eyes have not seen and ears have not heard the wondrous things that I have in store for you.


