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Genesis 1:28, Genesis 2:7, Luke 10:27, John 3:16-17, 1 Corinthians 13:13, 1 John 4:8, 1 John 4:20-21.

Love your brother more than your pet!

Children get your priorities right. I am first in your life, then others then yourself. When you love me and others as you ought then you fulfill my greatest commandment. Among all the evil that exists in this world one thing and one thing only is able to overcome all and that is love. My Father sent me, His only begotten son, the one He loved, to die for a world filled with every kind of evil. On Calvary’s cross love triumphed above all else. Love can melt the heart of the hardest man; it can bring forth generosity from a miser, kindness from a mean spirited person and life from death. Love is who my Father is and it is this one thing that is not just an emotion that you can experience but a person that you can touch and He reigns supreme above all. Evil cowers in deep darkness at the brightness of His appearance. From love came light and life. Without love all that exists would not exist for all was created through love to prosper before the one who created it. To love people is important children do not put anything else except me before loving others. Do not love things, occupations, talents, sports, hobbies or pets above the love you have for people. It is truly a sad thing for a man to love his dog more than his neighbors. Animals are not humans, they do not possess a soul like humans, they are pets and companions but they are not above another human! They do not share equality with man, man rules over all the works of my hands, of my creation and that includes pets. Man has preeminence over all. Therefore do not love your animals and despise your brother who was made in my own image and likeness. If you love me whom you have never perceived by sight how much more should you love your brother whom you commune with daily? Love your pets and animals yes, take good care of them, do not abuse them but above all love your brother for however many weaknesses a man may have he is worth more than any other part of my creation because he stands to lose the most at the end of this age and his worth comes from the one who breathed his life into him and made him a living soul. Therefore however nerve racking your brother may be, remember he is a soul and the day is coming when all the souls of the earth will have to give an account of themselves before the one who gave them life. Remember no other creation or part of creation received a soul from the Creator, me, Jesus. Man is therefore special; they carry a heavy responsibility of caring for all that was created for them and guarding their soul that they may not lose it in the coming judgment.


