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Proverbs 14:12, 1 Corinthians 9:24, 2 Timothy 4:7, Hebrews 12:1, Revelation 2:4.

Return to me

Children return your hearts to me. Many have wandered away drawn away by the desires of their hearts. Return to me. How long shall you wander aimlessly in the wilderness? Yes pleasure feels good to your flesh but walking away from me is a dangerous thing. Some have walked away for good and are lost to me forever. Remember the once saved always saved doctrine is a lie that pulls you into a state of complacency. This is a walk, a race that must be run to the end; it is not aimlessly floating away on a cloud. No, your path is filled with obstacles. Some places are steep, others are flat, some are filled with thorns, others are smooth and comfortable, some places are hot and painful while others are cold and lonely, some places are dry and irritating while there are times when you must cross rapid streams. No, this path is not even, it is rough, challenging and it is different for everyone yet the same. All must walk this path and all must face challenges. Some make it and sadly some do not. Children do not get into a habit of straying away from me, like I said earlier some do not return, they become so deeply enslaved by sin, intoxicated by pleasure, addicted to vice and are unwilling to return to a life of discipline, a life of overcoming the flesh. There are some that I am addressing right now who are so close to crossing over permanently to the other side. You have been dipping and dabbing in sin for a while it is beginning to become your new normal. You have been poisoned by the cobra of sin and you have become intoxicated by its venom. You have decided to give in and you are steadily becoming deaf to my voice calling you back to myself. You shut me out every time I try to talk to you, you have become like a piece of driftwood tossed about by the waves of the sea. Where the sea goes you go, you have given yourself up to the waves, unwilling to fight. You are on a suicidal mission, spiritual suicide that is, you can see the deadly changes before you but instead of avoiding them you keep on walking towards them. It is so much easier to give in to sin than to fight it. I know this but fight you must if you wish to be delivered. Remember how it was when you were close to me, how safe you felt? Now you live in uncertainty even in fear because however much you try to shut me out you know you are headed the wrong way. This is the time to return while you can still hear me, while you are still able to turn around. Remember the farther away you walk from me the bigger the risk of never returning. If you continue down this path you will become enslaved to sin forever. Return before it is too late. How do you know Oh man which day will be your last on earth? No one knows the hour or day of their death. Return before the sun sets on you for the last time here on this earth. For some of you this is your final call, you will remember that I came to you and you rejected me to your utter shame.

Jesus, Selah.

