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Proverbs 16:12, Proverbs 29:12, Proverbs 29:16, Isaiah 5:20, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, 2 Timothy 3:1-5, Jude 1:7.

Wickedness ruins a nation

Rottenness lies in the bones of the wicked and wickedness is like a cancer that infects the body. A nation with wicked leaders will soon fall. Children look around you; wickedness is increasing upon the land. What was considered taboo in the past is now not only acceptable but is considered praiseworthy and the sad thing is that it is about to get worse. The boundaries that were so clearly defined not too long ago have become blurred and in some cases they have been removed. The world is obsessed with sensuality; the insatiable desire for all forms of pleasure has driven morality right out of the door. Narcissism, egotism and all forms of perversion have corrupted the land. All someone has to do is cry foul and whatever they want is rubberstamped by the senseless leaders of your governments. The total lack of wisdom and manic desire to make all forms of perversion not only acceptable but legal shows how deeply corrupted your leaders are. Children this is not an accident, your wicked leaders are fulfilling the plans of Satan to make it as comfortable as possible to indulge in all forms of sin and any who stands against this madness is labeled intolerant and a hater of freedom. Fools, freedom is not the right to live in sin, it is the right to choose, when you take away the right to choose then it is no longer freedom in fact this is a form of slavery and in this case slavery to wickedness. Push back the fog of madness that has invaded your mind, for one second of clarity think for yourself. Does the right to legally and morally indulge in all forms of sin bring joy or bondage in your life and if it is the later and not the former then why are you so hell-bent on legalizing all forms of perversion? Look at your own children would you allow them to do whatever they desired in your own house? Then why do you think it is acceptable for you as an adult to do whatever you want regardless of how negatively it impacts those around you? You do not have to be a Christian or religious to see the depravity of these practices. It takes mere common sense to understand that what is being encouraged in society today has a detrimental effect on those living under these wicked laws. Be honest with yourself and judge for yourself and do not pretend to be shocked at the atrocities that occur in the society today. Ground has been laid to be as perverted as your heart desires so why the shock when these perversions are written and talked about in the media? Respect, honor, integrity, honesty, humility, all these virtues among many others are nowadays shunned and what is encouraged in their place, the pursuit of sensuality and pleasure at all costs even if it comes at the cost of your soul. Do you understand this? What is at stake here is not your house, car, job, pride or status; it is the one thing that is priceless in this world, your soul! Therefore be warned those who pursue sensuality and pleasure are in jeopardy of losing their souls if they die unrepentant in their sins. I cannot make it any plainer than that. Selah.


