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Genesis 3, Exodus 20:17, Proverbs 5:15-20, Romans 2:12-16, Hebrews 13:5-6, 1 John 2:15-17.

You shall not covet

Watch the desires of your heart my children. Do not lust after or covet after that which does not belong to you. No matter how strong your feelings are towards someone or something your heart can lead you astray. Above all trust my Holy Spirit to direct you. You are mortals, your feelings can be fickle, fleeting, unreliable and they can also lead you dangerously astray. Do not ignore the tenth commandment and yes my commandments still apply to you today for they are written on your hearts. Do not lust after what belongs to your neighbor, be satisfied with what you have and strive for righteousness and holiness. Children I know what is best for you, what you are busy lusting after is not right for you, if it was I would not withhold it from you. Yes the grass may look greener on the other side of the fence but you can also make your grass greener by watering it regularly. Make your home, workplace, marriage better. Work on it, give it your best, believe me some already have what they need in their own homes but the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life draws them away from what they already have and drives them to want what belongs to another. Remember Adam and Eve, they had all they could ever need or want in the Garden of Eden but lust drove them to sin. They more than anyone else had more than they could ever need. They had never known hunger or any form of lack, they lived in a perfect world where all the animals got along, there was no inadequacies, no fatigue of the spirit, no death and most importantly no sin. They had every kind of food, every kind of luxury their hearts desired was readily available to them. They had full authority and power over all I had created on earth. Until they fell they never knew conflict and they could have gone on this way forever had they not fallen into pride and covetousness. Lust drew Eve to the tree, pride caused her to eat of it and in her now corrupt state she influenced her own husband to eat the fruit. If Adam had refused to eat the fruit and if he had covered his wife with prayer asking for forgiveness on her behalf the outcome would have been totally different for them and for you. Children I place boundaries for your own safety. Those who breach these boundaries do so at their own peril. Suddenly they want all their heart desires and they become selfish and obsessed to fulfill their own lusts. Their heart drives them because they have decided to listen to deception instead of following my Holy Spirit. They use and abuse other people in their quest to fulfill their lust. No one and nothing else matters except fulfilling their own lusts. They ignore the voice of my Spirit and they let their flesh rule over their spirit. They will not take in wisdom nor will they practice restraint. Unless they are stopped in their tracks they will end up leading others astray. Be satisfied with what you have, drink water from your own cistern.


