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Exodus 10:21-23, Joel 2:30, Acts 2:19-20, Luke 21:25-26, Revelation 9:1-12.

A time of deep darkness is here

A star announced my arrival at my birth and a star will announce my arrival on earth as a King. I am God; I control all of my elements. I spoke the stars into existence and they go forth and accomplish my bidding. The heavens belong to me and all that is in it, it is indeed my handiwork, a place of beauty and mysteries. I own it all and I reveal it to whomever I choose. I have said in my word that there will be signs in the heavens to mark the end of this age and indeed there will be some dreadful signs in the heavens. Do not fear my children for I protect my own and if need be I will surround you with an army of angels to protect you lest you should dash your foot upon a stone. No matter the horrors pouring upon the earth my children are protected by my mighty army and I will fight to protect you my beloved ones. Remember I am God and nothing catches me by surprise. I know all, I see all and I am in control always. My purposes will be fulfilled and none will spoil my plans and all will be accomplished as scheduled yet allowing for my mercy and grace to breakthrough. Children, cry out, repent of your sins that my mercy may be extended to this world for I do not wish to see any perish. It is only your prayers that will draw more mercy from my Father to the rest of the world for indeed frightful times are coming and the world will go insane with panic when they see and experience the darkness that will envelope this earth. It is a darkness that cannot be overcome except by my light. It will be a great shock for even though many dwell in darkness this great darkness that is upon you is like none other before it for it will descend from the high places of wickedness and ascend from the dark pits of hell itself. It will be a crawling slimy darkness that can be felt, a suffocating and deadly darkness, an evil darkness for evil flourishes in darkness and in deep darkness it is impossible to stem it without my light piercing through it. This day comes children; this day of deep dark shadows is upon you. I say once again those who dwell in the light need not fear the darkness for you are children of light and the light inside you cannot be quenched, a light that generates its own fuel and burns brightly always. Children, do not allow your lamps to go out, do not be like the five foolish virgins, instead be wise and let your light shine ever so bright. I am the source of the light that emanates from you and I do not grow dim nor go out. I am ever bright, ever light; I am the light and the fuel that fuels the light. You cannot be overcome; you will not be overcome if you remain in me. I see the earth from above, I see great swaths of darkness but in the midst of the darkness I see shining points of light, they shimmer and shine and they break the monotony of the encroaching darkness. Remain in the light, be the salt of the earth, let your voices ring with my truth. It is your duty to pronounce the truth no matter the consequences. Open your mouth and shout my praises and let your light always shine that the world may see me in you.

Jesus, Amen.

